Monday 30 March 2009


A map of Australia

Origin of the name Australia.

The name Australia is derived from the Latin australis, meaning southern.

Name and meaning of the Australian flag.

The name is: "Australian National Flag".

Australian National Flag contains the following symbols:
the Union Jack occupying the upper quarter next the staff.
a large white star (representing the 6 States of Australia and the Territories) in the centre of the lower quarter next the pye and pointing direct to the centre of St George's Cross in the Union Jack.
5 white stars (representing the Southern Cross) in the half of the flag further from the staff.

First people who arrived to Australia.

The first people who settled in Australia were captained byJames Cook in 1710. They mapped the east coast of Australia, which was named New South Wales and claimed for Great Britain.

The name of the capital and the number of inhabitants.

The capital is Canberra and the number of inhabitans is 328.000.

Names of the States and their capitals.

Queensland: Brisbane.

New South Wales: Sydney

Victoria: Melbourne

South Australia: Adelaide

Northern Territory: Darwin

Western Australia: Perth

Tasmania: Hobart

Australian Capital Territory: Canberra

Name of the five most populated cities.

Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane

Most important geographical features.

The Great Barrier Reef, that is the world's largest coral reef.

Mount Augustus, which is the world's largest monolith.

The largest part of Australia is desert or semiarid.

Flora and fauna

Kangaroo,Koala,Emu,Tasmanian Devil



The currency of Australia is the Australian Dollar.


Some important artist from Australia are Kylie Minogue, Russell Crowe, Nikole Kidman, ACDC...


Australia stands out in cricket, hockey, netball, Rugby League, rugby union, cycling, rowing and swimming.

1 comment:

EUGENIO said...

Try to find a map which is bigger.